For Irrawaddy Flowers Garden Learning Centre 2014-2015 Academic Year
School : Irrawaddy Flowers Garden Learning Centre
Address : No.165, Soi 5, Moo 10, Mae Sot, Tak, Thailand
Contact No. : 0875220614 (Headmistress)
Written by : Wide Horizons Students
Date : 31st October, 2014
Project Proposal to Room to Grow
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Project Organizers 2
Introduction 2
Community Background 2
Figures of problems 5
Goals 6
Objectives 6
Work Plan 6
Budget Plan 6
Beneficiaries 7
Monitoring and Evaluation 7
Conclusion 8
Example 1. Size and Design of the tables and benches. 8
Contact Information 8
Project Proposal to Room to Grow
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Project Organizers
(1) Saw Than Than Lay, Children’s Development Centre (CDC), Mae Sot
(2) Maung Sunn, Karenni Education Department (KnED), Mae Hong Son
(3) Wah Ler Shee, Burmese Migrant Worker Education Committee (BMWEC), Mae Sot
(4) Hser Khu Paw, Back Pack Health Worker Team (BPHWT), Mae Sot
(5) Mi Chan Lawi, Mon Youth Progressive Organization (MYPO), Sangkhlaburi
We are Wide Horizons students from different organizations and ethnicities who are studying together to improve our community development skills and many other skills that can help us when we develop our communities. Those are advanced Computer skills, and advanced English skills.
To learn about the Irrawaddy Flowers Garden Learning Centre’s problems or needs, we did a needs assessment by visiting the school, talking, discussing with the teachers and observing the school environment. Moreover, WH has been helping Irrawaddy school with an event called the Forgotten Birthday Party by leading games, activities, helping out with taking care of the children since 2012, so we had already made a relationship with Irrawaddy school before we started writing this proposal. We have visited the school four times to build more relationship between our students and the school’s students and teachers, and to get to know the real needs of the school. We are submitting this proposal on behalf of Irrawaddy school.
Our project is to provide school furniture, such as benches and tables because the school doe not have enough of those materials and to repair two parts of the school roof to stop rain from leaking in. If our proposal is accepted, we will implement the project of making furniture together with two carpenters. The project of repairing the roof will be led by another group of workers. The total budget for the two projects is 27,657 Baht.
Community Background
Irrawaddy Learning Centre was established on the 2nd of June, 2004. It is located in Bang Song Kwe, Official area No. 10 in Mae Sot, Tak, Thailand. It was founded by Dr. Poe Thaw Dar from the Distance Irrawaddy Organization. The school has been located in the current place for eight years. Before that the school was located in another place in Mae Sot. This year the school headmistress is new, but she has been teaching at Irrawaddy for seven years.
The school has nursery to grade six with a total of 180 students from four different ethnicities; Burmese, Karen, Muslim, and Rakhaing. There are eight female teachers at the school; six Burmese teachers and two Thai teachers. The teachers are from different refugee camps, from migrant areas in Mae Sot, and from Burma. Some of the teachers have finished University in Burma and some have finished teacher training, like the Teachers’ Preparation
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Centre (TPC), Brighter Futures (BF) or Training of Trainers (TOT) in the refugee camps and in the Mae Sot area. The Thai teachers have graduated from Thai Universities.
The school uses the Burmese curriculum, including Burmese, English, Math, History, Science, Geography and for the Thai curriculum they only use the Thai subject. In addition, the school is working with School Within School (SWS) and Non Formal Education (NFE). Those programs are not for all the students. The first priority of SWS is that the students who would like to join the program should have a Thai birth registration and the second one is that they should pass the entrance exam. For NFE they do not need to have a Thai birth registration, but they have to pass the entrance exam. In this year, 42 students are included in SWS and five students in NFE. Those students have to learn in Thai. 24 of the SWS students go to study at the Thai school is named Wat Don Kayork and the rest of the 18 students have to study at Irrawaddy because they do not have enough space at the Thai school. Five of the NFE students are studying at Irrawaddy school with Thai teachers. Some of the students’ parents do not allow their children to join those programs, because they worry that their children will not be able to read and write Burmese.
Irrawaddy school has one big building and one small building. The small building is used for nursery students and the bigger building is used for teacher room and is combined with the office, the cooking room is combined with the dining room, as well as with the food store, the materials store and the classrooms. Five of the classrooms are set up in a hall and divided by curtains to be able to use as classes. The hall is around 20 feet wide and 80 feet long. Sometimes, they use the hall for celebrations. The buildings are constructed of concrete, eucalyptus, bricks, and zinc. It has already been used for eight years. There is enough playground for the students inside the compound. The school fence is strong enough, because they enclosed it with barbed wire, wood, some parts are with bamboo and zinc.
Currently, Migrant Education (ME) takes responsibility for the teachers’ salary and the school running costs. The school running costs are around 12,000 Baht per month, but it does not include teachers’ salaries. The teachers’ salaries are between 3,900 and 4,500 Baht for Burmese teachers and 8,000 Baht for Thai teachers per month. Every year, the school has to pay 12,000 Baht for the land. A Singapore group has provided the rent for two years. They make a rent contract every two years. This year the contract will expire on the 19th of April, 2015. The headmistress said that the land owner will confirm the next contract at the end of December. It can be more than now or the same amount. There is a school truck to transport the students who live far away from the school. The other students who live near the school area, do not take the truck. Sometimes, some students walk to school alone, with their parents or their friends.
In the last year in April, the school has done a project called raising chickens with Khom Loy Development Foundation. The school provides lunch for students. It is funded by a group from Singapore which is the same who provides for the rent. They hire a cook who lives inside the school campus for 2,500 Baht per month. After this school, most of the students continue their studies at Hsa Thoo Lei Orphanage Learning Centre, Pa Ra Mee and Children’s Development Centre (CDC). According to the headmistress, the future of the school depends on the donors.
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Problem Statement
There are two main problems that linking together to effect the learning environment; to have enough furniture is important for a school, and to have a good, safe building and roof. There is inadequate furniture for the students, mainly tables and benches. The second one, two parts of the roof is ruined and has many holes. The wood is decayed by the rain drops from the overturned ridge cups and holes. Those are creating problems for the students to study and makes an uncomfortable and bad learning situation. For these problems to be solved, we would like to support them with 15 sets of tables, chairs and by fixing two parts of the ridge cups and patch the roof’s holes.
The school does not have enough tables and benches and two parts of the ridge cups are overturning when it rains heavily. There are also many holes in the zinc. According to the teachers and headmistress, three or four students have to share a bench and table instead of two people. For the roof, rain comes in through the holes and ridges during the rainy season, but some parts are still safe for the children. We have visited there four times. According to our visits the school has thirty benches and tables that combine together for 138 students, but some of the tables and benches are broken in some parts. Therefore, it is not safe for the students because if there is more weight on the benches they can collapse or break easily. The tables and benches are not good enough quality and have already used for three years. Those are made by puffy plywood and when rain drops it can get wet and can destroy easily.
Due to inadequate furniture, the students have to study in uncomfortable conditions. They have to share tables and benches very tightly and sometimes they cannot write freely. It makes them feel hot to be sitting crowded. From one of the teacher’s experience, she cannot get the students’ attention when she is teaching because the students are playing and quarreling about the space. Furthermore, the classroom gets wet when it rains and the students have to move to other places to be safe, but there is not enough space. It delays the lessons too. The hall is divided into five sections around 80 feet of length and 20 feet of width. Near one side of the hall there is a room covered by some bricks. Between those two rooms, rain falls down every rainy season. On the other side of the hall there is one part where rain falls down too.
To solve those issues, 15 sets of tables and chairs are needed and it is necessary to renovate the ridge cups and patch the holes in the roof. If we only fix the roof, the students will not have enough benches to sit and enough tables to write. If we only provide furniture, they can get wet and ruined quickly when it rains. Even though the school has 30 sets of the tables and benches, it is not enough yet. One new set of them can be used for three students. To see the design of the furniture look at page 8.
There is inadequate furniture, such as benches and tables, causing the children learning problems because there is insufficient space and it is uncomfortable for them. However, it can be solved by making new furniture for the children. For the roof, we can repair by ridge cups, umbrella nails, silicon, nail and eucalyptus. After the project, the students will be happy in learning and the school will have new tables and benches that can be used for many years. The students will have safe classrooms. Even though it is raining they will feel free to study and will not need to worry rain drops and will not need to move from place to place.
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Figures of problems
Figure 1. Overturn Roof
Figure 2. Decay eucalyptus from rain drops
Figure 3. Students share tables and chairs in class
Project Proposal to Room to Grow
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Our goals are;
1. To make 15 sets of new tables and benches for the students to be able to have enough furniture and comfortable to study during 2014-2015 academic school years and for the students for the next 10 years at Irrawaddy Flowers Garden Learning Centre.
2. To renovate some parts of the school roof for safe and promote the class learning environment from rain drops in rainy season and for the building long term.
1. (a) To provide enough school furniture.
(b) Two carpenters take responsibility to make furniture and then they will work with WH students, Irrawaddy’s students and teachers for painting the furniture.
(c) WH students collect the information and organize everything to let the donors know about the problems.
2. (a) The school roof should be fixed to be safe from rain drops.
(b) A labor group take responsibility to fix the school roof.
(c) WH students take responsibilities to achieve our project till the end.
Work Plan No Date and Days Activities Responsible persons Where
Buy materials for roof
WH students and Laborers
Thai Wattana and Mama shops
11. January. 2015
Fixing the roof and patch holes
Irrawaddy school
Making tables and benches
Near Teacher Preparing Centre (TPC)
Painting tables and benches
WH students, Irrawaddy students, teachers and labors
Irrawaddy school
Budget Plan
15 sets of tables and benches budget No. Description Price/Unit Quantity Amount Remark
The total amount is including transportation, shopping, Labors cost, Electric fee.
Total Amount
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Renovate the school roofs No. Description Price/Unit Size Quantity Amount Remark
Ridge cup
183 cm
2 inches
2 kg
Umbrella Head Roofing Nail
1.75 inches
10 boxes
1 bottle
305 cm
40 pieces
Labor costs
1 day
5 people
Total amount
6,657 Baht
Overall cost
27,657 Baht
Irrawaddy students and teachers will get benefits from this projects, because they will use the tables and benches comfortably and can study under the safe roof without rain drops. The laborers will earn some money from this project to survive for their family daily life for some days. We WH students will get experiences from doing project and proposal writing. We will get a good relationship between teachers, students, donors and laborers.
Monitoring and Evaluation
For monitoring and evaluation, WH students and teachers will take responsibility to go and check a few weeks after the project is done. We will observe the students learning situation, benches, and tables. We will ask questions to the students and teachers about using tables and benches, if they are good enough, comfortable or how they feel. If there are any problems with the benches, and tables, we will confirm with the laborers to come and check for making sure.
For the roof, we will go or contact to check the condition with the school teachers during the rainy season next year with WH students who work around Mae Sot area. In order to have a good relationship and know the project situation, we will continue to communicate with teachers by visiting, calling, or e-mailing. We can also get the feedbacks of our project from them. If we find a problem with the roof, we will contact the laborers who have fixed it to make sure for it.
During our project and until the project has done, we will record everything such as; the strength and weakness of the project. After that, we will write our report to Room to Grow (R2G) to let our donors know the situation.
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We WH students are summiting this proposal to let the donors know about Irrawaddy school truly needs. Two main problems of the school are lack of school furniture and ruined roof, because those really need to be solved. The tables and benches are already three years old and the roof is eight years old. Our purposes of the project is for the students to have enough tables and benches and less worry about the roof in rainy season. It will take 10 days to finish the 15 sets of tables and benches and one day to fix the roof. The total budget of the two projects is 27,657 Baht. The school’s students, and teachers will be the beneficiaries, who will use the tables and benches and shelter under the roof. The Burmese migrant workers who will make the furniture and fix the roof will earn some money for their family. Our WH students also get a chance to practice writing our proposal and will have experiences to work with the community. We hope you will be clear and understand our project proposal main points. Hopefully, WH students, Irrawaddy’s students and teachers are looking forward to your responding.
Example 1. Size and Design of the tables and benches.
Contact Information
Name : Saw Than Than Lay
Email :
Phone No. : 0897065458 (Dtac) / 0923766468 (12Call)
Address : 2/289, Phattra-Phadeng, Mae Sot, Tak, Thailand
Post No. : P.O Box-27 (Mae Sot, Tak, 63110, Thailand)
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